Hedging at Doonwood Nurseries
Doonwood Nurseries is a leading provider of hedge plants in Ireland. We sell a wide range including Laurel, Beech, Red Robin, Privet, Holly, Eleagnus, Whitethorn, Berberis & more. Each year we grow thousands of hedging plants in our nursery. By producing these plants in the harsh West of Ireland climate, they become very hardy by sale time. We also partner with other premium Irish nurseries to source different/unusual options. All of this enables us to provide you with top quality plants that have strong, vigorous root systems. This focus on quality and root system development as opposed to height of plants, results in a stronger healthier hedge for you. Our experienced Doonwood Nurseries team can advise you on the best choice for your particular situation so as to ensure you get the best results. We are always happy to help.
All our hedges can be purchased at our nursery or through our online shop. They can be collected from us at Doonwood or delivered nationwide.
Perfect for Extra Privacy
Hedges make a beautiful alternative to a fence while providing excellent privacy for your garden.
Bareroot season at Doonwood Nurseries
Our bareroot season begins in November and ends in March/April. From April to November we focus on selling potted plants which are potted-up using a special mix of fertilisers. This creates an excellent plant ready to be transferred into your garden giving you the best possible start producing a strong and healthy hedge. Now is the time to start so you can enjoy the new growth this Spring.
Buy hedging direct from our online shop
Remember a well chosen and well prepared spot will always result in a healthier hedge. Our experienced Doonwood Nurseries team can advise you on the best selection for your particular situation before you buy so as to ensure you get the best results and are always happy to help.